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Perfil del contratante

CONGRESOS Y TURISMO DE SEVILLA, SOCIEDAD ANÓNIMA (CONTURSA) is a company created by Seville City Council to manage and operate the Seville Exhibition and Conference Centre (FIBES), which carries out its activities in accordance with the principles of honesty, loyalty, integrity, impartiality, compliance, transparency in management and efficiency.

At CONTURSA, our main objective is to generate trust and ensure our good image, striving at all times for professional behaviour in the performance of the activities of each and every member of the organisation. To this end, we have developed an open and transparent corporate culture, based on our core values, as the basis for a series of commitments, rules and ethical principles of compliance adopted by the management, which form the foundations of the company’s General Policy on the Compliance Programme for the Prevention of Criminal Risks.